Today Melchizedek offers us an affirmation of our freedom and rebirth into the new, and they talk about finding that peace and joy that surpasses the understanding of the mind. This comes “before the mind”, they said. Affirmation:
“Today I wipe my slate clean so that I may be reborn into this new world with fearlessness, confidence and radiance. I know who I am in truth. I know what it means to be in service. I have arrived at this place of knowing that surpasses the mind. And this is where I know myself as free. This is where I know myself as awake. And this is where we all come together, united for the greater whole, the greater good, and in celebration of the evolution of this entire plane of existence. Let it be so.”
“Now you may feel there is more of an opportunity or an ability to bring your best selves forward. The challenge of the day is tapping into that peace before the mind…the exuberance of a child making new discoveries.”
They said the times we are in are hard, and will challenge us on all levels. The hardest part of these times is letting go. “Letting go of a life, of a way of being, way of knowing yourself, that has been created in the old, denser frequencies.”
“Today we wipe the slate clean. we clear our fields of the detritus that would continue to cause us to stumble as we walk these small steps forward.”
#melchizedek #ascension #lightworkers