This message was channeled by Shawna L. Frances for the Grand Council, September 2021.
Many people in your world, in the sphere of what we’re doing together collectively, are also still coming to terms with what’s happening here. Is this connection real? Is what I’m feeling, seeing, hearing, real? And, of course, all of it is real. It’s just a matter of discerning where is it coming from. Who is initiating? Where is this originating? And trusting that what comes through is for your highest good. And is of a higher light, and is of a higher vibration.
It’s not always the case that what “comes through” is for people’s highest good. There are many voices in the head…the ego can be a very strong one. Fear can be a very strong emotion. It can be a very strong voice in the head, over-writing high frequencies and love in some cases, if you allow that to happen.
So the question is always: Is this truly for my highest good? And can I ask that question objectively? And can I be okay with the answer if it comes in, “No, not really.” Can I be okay with this? And once that kind of answer comes through, what happens next? What do I do with that information? And here’s where prayer, setting of intentions, asking for help from the highest light, highest-frequency beings, from your higher self, becomes important to verbalize this. To state this intention strongly. To be carried by your higher selves here, your over-souls and your teams of light.
Every single person on this planet has a guide. EVERY SINGLE PERSON on this planet has a guide. Every single person has access to this guidance that comes from this guide. Many of you have more than one guide and the connection comes in many shapes and sizes and forms and intensities. Many times you on Earth are looking for something or someone to fix problems, to make problems go away…to do sweeping changes to make things easier for you, for yourselves. And this is not in your highest good and not what your soul has wanted.
So there will not be interference in that way in most cases. It does you no good to have somebody come in with a magic wand and make all the bad things disappear. It does you absolutely no good. And when you leave this life, you will be upset that this interference happened and you were not able to complete your life’s mission, your purpose on the planet…the lessons that you hoped to learn, the karma you hoped to balance out.
Sometimes working through trauma, chaos, hurt, suffering is exactly what you asked for in this lifetime. It is a very important part of the steppingstones to evolution here, your process. Now, if you are able to work with your guides in a different way, for example, working instead on behalf of your highest good, your highest good, not what may provide you with relief in the moment, but what might be for your soul’s highest good. And this could be more around the idea of understanding what lessons are to be learned. What actions you take that may be holding you back. What actions you may be able to take to help get you closer to that karma or that lesson, or that experience that you have wished for. But it’s putting you firmly in control of the outcome.
Please help me to see clarity in this moment.
Please help me to understand the lesson.
Please help me to see how I am evolving through this trauma.
What is the opportunity for me here in terms of growth, and in terms of healing of others? In terms of spreading light?
How can I use these opportunities that have presented themselves to me for my highest good and the betterment of all on the planet?
These are more helpful in terms of raising your consciousness, helping you to step more fully into your missions of light. And when you hear the word discernment, let’s have discernment with all things…we recommend that you set the intention to gain clarity and discernment through your own faculties. Your guide may help you with this, but you are controlling this. You are seeing this. You are gaining the clarity. You are gaining the discernment. You are not being told what to do. You are reaching a level of awareness and consciousness based on your free will and your ability to see past the illusion and into love. You do this through free will, through choice, through action, into love.
You may want to allow your body to weep. Allow the tears to flow. Allow that hurt and pain to be real for you. For this may be an important part of the overall experience. How do you honor, honor, these extremely deep emotions…yet stay on the path of love and light? Simply it is through choice that you do this. It is through choice.
It’s disassociating your identity with the pain and suffering and seeing it for what it is—a way to learn and to evolve and to balance karma. When seen in this light as tools for growth, tools that get you closer to love, the illumination that this brings helps you integrate and understand the lesson. Integrate and understand why. Why me? Why did this happen? And that becomes…Why did I choose this for myself? What might my soul have wanted to learn here, or experienced? How is this building strength and character and getting me closer to love? You realize, you are not your pain…you are not your suffering…you are an infinite being of love and light on an incredible adventure. Making your way through the dark. Moving toward the light in the best way that you can see.
Rejoice in the opportunity to really learn in this way, to be a part of something much, much bigger than yourself. For as you grow, as you learn, as you evolve, God has experienced each and every one of those moments with you. And you’re adding to the collective. The collective experience here. The collective consciousness. And as you integrate, as you learn, as you are able to move back into love, you make it easier for everybody else in this plane to do the same. This is your gift. This is what you bring. This is how you serve. And this is glorious, and it is beautiful, and it is divine just as you are.
Bring this message to your followers, Shawna. Let them feel the love behind these words. Let them know that there’s an abundance of love to be tapped into…to embrace…to let in. And now is a beautiful time to do that.
The Grand Council
September 14, 2021
Channeled by Shawna L. Frances